Lemington Riverside Primary School

School Uniform

All children should wear our school uniform. We have worked hard to make our uniform as cost effective and as easy to purchase as possible. 

We offer every child a free uniform bundle every September (or when they first join our school). We do this because we don't want our families to face any cost barriers in attending school. 

Items with our school logo on can be purchased from Elite Embroidery at Bells Close (NE15 6XY) - a 10 minute walk from school.  

School uniform for all children (Nursery – Year 6):

  • Blue Lemington Riverside Primary School jumper, hoodie or cardigan. (You can also buy any plain blue jumper or cardigan without our uniform on from most large supermarkets, Primark, etc.)
  • White or light blue polo neck t-shirt or white button-up shirt/blouse (Can be purchased cheaply from most large supermarkets/Primark, etc.)
  • Grey or black school trousers, joggers or skirt.
  • Black school shoes or black trainers.

Optional extras that are available at Elite Embroidery include the school tie, reading bag, PE kit bag and waterproof coat.

PE Kit:

  • Plain white cotton t-shirt (cotton t-shirts with the school logo are available from Elite Embroidery).
  • Plain black or blue shorts or jogging bottoms.
  • A plain hoodie for outdoor PE in colder weather (optional).
  • Trainers or plimsolls.

We have a range of pre-loved school uniform available in school in a range of sizes – please contact Kim or Emma from our pastoral team to discretely request pre-loved uniform. Their contact details are available at this link.