Lemington Riverside Primary School

Disco Tickets

Our Valentines Day Disco tickets go on sale tomorrow (Wednesday 12 February).

The discos take place at the following times:

- Monday 17 February - Nursery/Reception/Year 1/Year 2 - 4:30-6:00pm. Children should be dropped off and collected from the main entrance.
- Tuesday 18 February - Year 3/Year 4/Year 5/Year 6 - 4:30-6:00pm. Children should be dropped off and collected from the main entrance.
Tickets will be available between 8:45-9:00am from the main school office and are priced at £2 per ticket. We can only accept cash payments for tickets & would be grateful if you can bring correct change wherever possible.

The price of a ticket includes entry to the disco, sweets and light refreshments.

Tickets will remain on sale 8:45-9:00 on Thursday 13, Friday 14 and Monday 17 February.

Thank you!